Lifestyles of the Destitute and Obscure

dazzling and interesting on a shoestring

About Moi

This blog is not about how much money I have, how fashionably dressed we all are, or how we are trying to sell you cool stuff.  You don’t need more stuff.  Here at the Destitute and Obscure, we get by on very little and end up with a lot.  We don’t keep up with the Jones’ because we don’t want to know them– we don’t believe that money keeps you interesting.  Here’s how we do it, or not in some cases, and what it’s like.

I’m a mother of three, a wife of one, and one busy lady. I dance, I sing only to my children, and I act only when absolutely required. I cook, I clean, and I’m more savvy with the baked goods and the bank account than the secret love child of Betty Crocker and Donald Trump.  Check in with me every other week or so, subscribe through that nifty RSS feed (and then it’ll go directly to your email, and that way they’ll be at least one interesting thing in your inbox) and be sure to let me know what you think, what you know, you feel and what you want to share with the rest of us.  Cheers, Ms. D

One response to “About Moi

  1. Janie Randall July 27, 2011 at 8:57 pm

    Somehow we feel related to all this!

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